“Le Mineral Du Tour” shows the work of Tino Pohlmann at the Tour de France in 2020. For 19 years now, Pohlmann has been using his photos to break down the tour into its individual parts. He goes far behind the sport with his pictures and shows his view of one of the biggest sporting events in a very metaphorical approach. The man, the landscape – time and devotion are just a few of the many themes from Pohlmann’s world of images. The book comes in a softcover bound on 64 pages in an edition of 500 copies, signed and numbered.

Collected 003

Le Tour est une mélancolie, chargée de rémini­scences

Ses hauts lieux, des points de convergence, de ralliement où les champions se confrontent les uns aux autres, à travers les âges, sous l’assignation de l’Histoire. C’est aussi la dernière fable de notre époque, un creuset de légendes plus ou moins vraies ou fabriquées auxquelles on s’efforce de croire. Parce que « les pays sans légendes », dit le poète, « sont condamnés à mourir de froid ». Sans lui, les étés seraient tout aussi chauds mais beaucoup moins chaleureux.

It has high points, points of common ground, and rallying points where the champions face off against each other through the ages, in a rendezvous with History. It is also the last fairytale of our era, a melting pot of legends. Some of these are truer than others, some are completely made up, but we try to believe in them all. Because, as the French poet said, “Countries without legends are doomed to die of cold.” Without the Tour, summers would be just as hot, but not nearly as warm.

Philippe Brunel  from Captured. Le Tour de France a travers de Tino Pohlmann 

La frénésie

Partout où il passe, sur l’Izoard, le Tourmalet, jusque dans ces contrées reculées, ignorées des grands flux migratoires de l’été, le Tour abandonne derrière lui l’écho braillard de sa complainte commerciale et des écrits, de nombreux écrits: des banderoles, des graffitis, des noms de coureurs, crayonnés ou peints sur l’asphalte, un long générique, la consigne de l’histoire. 


Everywhere it goes, on the Izoard or the Tourmalet pass, in its far – off locations neglected by the migrating summer crowds, the Tour leaves in its wake the raucous echo of its commercial lament and its multitude of signs. Banners, graffiti, riders’ names, scribbled or painted on the asphalt, like a long list of credits, history’s depository.

Philippe Brunel  from Captured. Le Tour de France a travers de Tino Pohlmann 
SKU: 140

Méribel, Col de la Loze, 2020

Edition 10 + 2EA
Archival Pigment Print,
20 cm x 25 cm framed.
Signed and numbered by the artist
incl. wooden object frame, anthracite, maple,
oak or beech, mirogard museums glass


SKU: 139

Aiguilles de la Balme, Col de la Madeleine, 2020

Edition 10 + 2EA
Archival Pigment Print,
20 cm x 25 cm framed.
Signed and numbered by the artist
incl. wooden object frame, anthracite, maple,
oak or beech, mirogard museums glass


Tino Pohlmann

“Every reached goal is the beginning of something new, like at a big bicycle race! 
We find ourselves standing at the starting line ready for the next adventure.”

Born and raised on the east side of Germany, Tino moved to Berlin in 1998. He teaches photography at the renowned HTW in Berlin, where he graduated in Design Studies. The work of Tino Pohlmann covers landscapes, portrait, and sports photography, as well as editorial photography. He won various national and international awards for his work and book projects.

More about Tino on his website: