Back to the year 1903: It all began when publisher Henri Desgrange had a ludicrous idea designed to increase the circulation of the newspaper l’Auto-Vélo. A bicycle race, consisting of a number of day races covering brutal distances, quickly brought the sought-after popularity and morphed into a favorite among the public. The Tour de France was born. Still today, the “Grande Boucle” casts its spell on millions of spectators each year, and it is considered the world’s third-largest sports event, following the Olympic Games and the World Cup Football Championships.

120 years later, the printed page has long since lost its edge to digital media, nowadys living only in the shadows of the world of reporting and opinion-shaping. Yet, once again, we find ourselves on the verge of a breakthrough in sports history: the Tour de France Femmes is daring to wager a much-wanted, independent restart, which has little to do with heroic, manly clichés. DÉBUT by Tino Pohlmann views itself as an homage, to the Tour’s humble beginnings – back when printed matter still reigned – as well as to current media in which new images of powerful women are setting the stage.

Back to the year 1903: It all began when publisher Henri Desgrange had a ludicrous idea designed to increase the circulation of the newspaper l’Auto-Vélo. A bicycle race, consisting of a number of day races covering brutal distances, quickly brought the sought-after popularity and morphed into a favorite among the public. The Tour de France was born. Still today, the “Grande Boucle” casts its spell on millions of spectators each year, and it is considered the world’s third-largest sports event, following the Olympic Games and the World Cup Football Championships.

120 years later, the printed page has long since lost its edge to digital media, nowadys living only in the shadows of the world of reporting and opinion-shaping. Yet, once again, we find ourselves on the verge of a breakthrough in sports history: the Tour de France Femmes is daring to wager a much-wanted, independent restart, which has little to do with heroic, manly clichés. DÉBUT by Tino Pohlmann views itself as an homage, to the Tour’s humble beginnings – back when printed matter still reigned – as well as to current media in which new images of powerful women are setting the stage.

Tino Pohlmann has been covering the Tour de France for almost two decades and knows all the ins and outs of this major event, as well as the regulations involved in professional cycling races. Despite – or perhaps because of – his professional routine, he still had to find a new method and approach to his photo-journalistic work for DÉBUT.

This was necessary to unobtrusively capture images of the female athletes and the scene at the first official women’s Tour der France. Tino Pohlmann has the ability to capture closeness, intimacy and intensity, while simultaneously maintaining the respectful distance of a silent and inconspicuous observer. Although he does not completely avoid standard male-heroic symbolic imagery, he reinterprets this through a consciously chosen perspective that reveals a completely new, autonomous modern femininity. The female athletes portrayed by Tino Pohlmann are brought into the spotlight, giving us deep insight into each of their unique and fascinating personalities. To accomplish this, the DÉBUT

photographer adds another layer of depth: the riders’ touching quotes allows us to enter into their tumultuous thoughts and feelings and, together with the portraits, they provide a whole new yet subtle intensity. “It feels as though something is flooding my body and soul at the same time. I enjoy the feeling when my mind is clear, and I feel free and invincible.” Alena Amialiusik DÉBUT not only shows the female protagonists while on the go, but also portrays the entire Tour de France Arena, whisking us away to a colorful, loud, crazy, yet equally picturesque scene lined with streams of fans. In fact, for just a moment in time, it feels as though you are fully emerged into this fantastical race across the “Grande Nation”, as you turn the tactile pages of this large-format newspaper.

This was necessary to unobtrusively capture images of the female athletes and the scene at the first official women’s Tour der France. Tino Pohlmann has the ability to capture closeness, intimacy and intensity, while simultaneously maintaining the respectful distance of a silent and inconspicuous observer. Although he does not completely avoid standard male-heroic symbolic imagery, he reinterprets this through a consciously chosen perspective that reveals a completely new, autonomous modern femininity. The female athletes portrayed by Tino Pohlmann are brought into the spotlight, giving us deep insight into each of their unique and fascinating personalities. To accomplish this, the DÉBUT photographer adds another layer of depth: the riders’ touching quotes allows us to enter into their tumultuous thoughts and feelings and, together with the portraits, they provide a whole new yet subtle intensity. “It feels as though something is flooding my body and soul at the same time. I enjoy the feeling when my mind is clear, and I feel free and invincible.” Alena Amialiusik DÉBUT not only shows the female protagonists while on the go, but also portrays the entire Tour de France Arena, whisking us away to a colorful, loud, crazy, yet equally picturesque scene lined with streams of fans. In fact, for just a moment in time, it feels as though you are fully emerged into this fantastical race across the “Grande Nation”, as you turn the tactile pages of this large-format newspaper.

”Finishing the race at the top of Super Planche des Belles Filles, feeling exhausted but incredibly happy, because I unlocked another level of suffering.”

– Kasia Niewiadoma

SKU: 141

DÉBUT Newspaper

The Début newspaper is deep dive into the world of the Tour de Femme, closely following the Canyon SRAM racing team as they battle their way through the stages of the first ever Tour de France Femmes. In 1903, the first Tour de France edition was promoted by Henri Desgrange’s newspaper L’Auto. Almost 120 years later, this newspaper is a quote, a tribute to the first Tour de France Femmes, to cycling and to the idea of the Grande Boucle.
44 pages,
29 cm × 38 cm,
55g paper


SKU: 142

The French spectators, 2022

on the roadside of stage 7, Sélestat – Le Markstein,
Tour de France Femmes, 2022
Archival Pigment Print,
Hahnemühle Photo Rag Baryta 315g
Edition 25 + 2EA,
20 cm x 30 cm,
without Frame,
Signed and numbered by the artist


Tino Pohlmann

“Every reached goal is the beginning of something new, like at a big bicycle race! 
We find ourselves standing at the starting line ready for the next adventure.”

Born and raised on the east side of Germany, Tino moved to Berlin in 1998. He teaches photography at the renowned HTW in Berlin, where he graduated in Design Studies. The work of Tino Pohlmann covers landscapes, portrait, and sports photography, as well as editorial photography. He won various national and international awards for his work and book projects.

More about Tino on his website: